Ard 5+am, Daddy has already woke up and followed by Mommy. We are getting ready mentally and physically in receiving you. 6+am, the nurse came in with Mommy's breakfast and it is a small cup of milo and biscuits! Kao!! (Pardon Mommy as this is the only word that fully describe Mommy's feeling). Mommy is thinking where can this small cup of milo and few pieces of biscuits can fill which part of Mommy's stomach.. oh man... how to push later!!!
At 7+am after breakfast, Mommy and Daddy head to the labour ward.... Mommy was then inserted with many things and on drip... once is for Mommy to pass motion so that we will be cleared of motion during pushing time. After inserted Mommy needs to endure for 15 min?! before going to toilet... but about 7 min... Mommy already rush to the toilet and the nurse commented that high chance later during pushing there will be motion coming out as well as Mommy didnt endure long enough for all motion to clear... :( ok next.... I heard Dr Adrian is here to burst the 10 mummies water bag.... once he draw the curtain without a word he just insert his finger into.. erm.. ok.. and then water rush out... it was then Mommy know what he is doing... zzz... there goes my darling's olympic swimming pool... well Mommy was inserted another pill, drip adjusted and now induce starts!!
During this period, Mommy is dealing well with the contractions... but the midwife keep complaining that baby you are not moving.. and she hit you, shake you and Mommy hurts. During the first few hours, Mommy is quiet and the rest of other Mummies is groaning with pain and took whatever pain killer they offer... the midwife commented that im in the army coz i can endure the pain well.. Mummy thought without epi should be fine now BUT... later the midwife came again complaining abt your movement and both Daddy and Mummy got to keep shaking you to ensure you are moving and gave Mummy oxygen gas which is meant to make you more active.. the midwife gets a bit frustrated after seeing CTG results and call Dr Adrian to take a look whether it is ok. Dr Adrian confirm it is still ok and so the induce continues.... after 5 hours, contractions came in and tears roll down Mommy's cheek and Mommy got no energy to keep shaking you so Mummy let Daddy to continue to shake. After a while, Mummy is asking for different types of painkillers like the rest of Mummies. Mummy is no commando... =...( Mummy hurts till one point Mummy wish everything can stop but of course it is not possible... oh... it is possible!!! hahahahaha that is C-sect with GA!! Just in time before Mummy sign for epi, Dr Adrian came in and i immediately told him "Dr, I want C-sect with GA". He said "Good. As CTG result is not so good." Yeah off we go... and very shortly... Mummy was knocked out!!!! When Mummy woke up, Mummy vision was very blur but could see and hear nurses walking ard talking and thank god a voice told Mummy op is over and she will push me back to the room to meet Daddy!!
Daddy's story:
Daddy was waiting for Mummy at the waiting area while Mummy is the op theatre, after 30min, Daddy gets worried as baby and Mummy are not out yet therefore Daddy walks to the theatre then saw a nurse waving at him so Daddy just walk towards the nurse and the nurse just point to Daddy "This is your son". Daddy must have felt really touched by this cute little thing at that moment (this is what mummy thinks). Daddy then follow the nurse to measure your weight and height, check your limbs and hands, and not forgetting to ask nurse to take a photo of Daddy and son.
When Mummy is back in the room, Daddy update baby is well and Daddy showed Mummy how you look, your cries, your voice, and commented that our baby is cute! hehehe..
After a while, baby was pushed in for Mummy to see.
Such an Angel!
Thank you son, for being our son.
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